i am in a huff - unsolicited advice from the huffiest

Sunday, April 03, 2005

what sucks and what doesn't

what sucks:

1. i quit smoking over a 6 weeks ago and i STILL want to rip your head off
2. a virus decimated my computer and i lost most of my files
3. i never finished my living will*

what doesn't suck:

1. i quit smoking
2. i am EXTREMELY assertive since quitting. GIVE ME YOR HEAD.
3. i am going to italy in june. italy. to live in a villa within an olive grove. hahahahahahhahahahahahaha. yay!**

*do NOT pull any plugs until at least 2 years have gone past the point of no return. i am persistant and will prevail. unless there is pain. in that case, put on some ACDC, feed me 5 or 20 cigarettes and pull it. hard.

**dear giovanni,
tu est uno bello huomo. thank you for showing me a buonisimo time. thank you for declaring your love and "giving it to me good" under the olive tree. i will never forget you or the wine-fuled nights, mornings or afternoons of UNBELIEVEABLE passion. ti amo!
bellisamo chichina


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