i am in a huff - unsolicited advice from the huffiest

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

overheard in my apartment

a friend is telling me this dramatic dream she had- every single issue in her life was in it- but all tied together in a weird way. then comes to the good part- the BOI she likes - leans over and kisses her and she has THE BEST DREAM THOUGHT EVER:

"oh no! i forgot to get my bikini waxed!"

this is awesome for several reasons:

1. so practical! she is really planning ahead- and SHE'S ASLEEP!
2. so dirty! she knows where this kiss is leading- into her underpants!
3. so random! who the hell dreams about person hygene? trimming the hedges? the state of the gine?


overheard this morning in the office kitchen:

"but why doesn't he stutter when he's CURSING?!?"

this awesome for one reason:

1. she was really pissed- like the poor guy was faking it- STOP FAKE STUTTERING YOU MASSIVE JERKOFF!!!



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