i am in a huff - unsolicited advice from the huffiest

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

adults skipping

now i have been known to skip, but ALWAYS with a sense of irony. it's fun. it's silly. it's a tad faster than walking and swingier than running. but lately i have been noticing a new trend:


how? why? you ask, bewildered. let me tell you this:

last week i saw an unfriendly looking woman walking just ahead of me on the UWS. no one was really around but us. she kept looking back at me as if i was PREVENTING HER FROM DOING SOMETHING. finally, she decided to go ahead and do what she needed to do. after a few more furtive glances back at me- she widened her legs into a duck walk and skipped a few paces. then she looked back at me - with anger this time - alla "how dare you judge me/and/or my skipping!" and did it again.

when she had turned into her building after casting a few more scalding looks** at me i made sure she had gone into the lobby and tried it myself***.

i came to several conclusions:

1. this woman had probably dampened her adult diaper - i would duck skip too!

2. it was kind of fun in that it made me giggle

3. it's a good way to turn a knee! that woman should be more careful!****

*for real, without irony, as a mode of transportation

**if looks could kill! well i tell you!

***though i REFUSED to do the furtive glance around- let them look! at me! skipping like a duck!



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