1. cancer is not funny
2. it is fucked up to give it a cute nickname like "cance"*
3. i am twisted (b/c the other day i found it amusing to use this glibly in response to an assinine comment*)
here's the sitch:
women r funny about their weight, they r funny about your weight, and they r really extra funny when a bitch is skinny.*** so this aquaintance makes a casual but really obnoxious (read : passive agressive) comment about my body***** and being skinny or anorex or whatevs. so of course i just have to say "yeah, i know. it's the cance."
so she says "what?" and i say "nothing (bitch)" and we all go on our merry fucking way. why did i puss out? see #1.
and yes, it was funny as fuck. that PA****** bitch was hard of hearing.
*extra fucked to start calling it "the cance" like a night club, and/or saying it in a cute voice (which is what i did).
**i wasn't even being glib. i was being a bitch. go me!
***the same thing applies to when a woman has a great boyfriend/job or shoes. esp shoes****
****not ALL women dumbass. none of my bff's act that way- but they LIKE themselves so it's totally diffy. it's a generalization- see entry below- K.I.S.S.
*****which i take personally b/c i am pretty fond of it.
******passive aggresive. in fact, let's just use PAB to stand for an woman who is sneakily putdownishly unpleasant to be around. or a man. i am equal opportunity here. we all on the same page bra? PAB*******
*******i sound so angry don't i? lalalala. hmm... well, at least i'm honest about it. i dont smile and call someone a PAB. oh but i'm gonna start. hmmmmm... this is not a good trend.********
********ok so maybe i'm tired, it's been a hard day and i'm a little grousy. i will solve this by doing some deep breathing, yoga and meditation********
*********no i wont. it's called a drink, a smoke and a poke. oooooooommmmmmmmm.